Parking Trainee

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Parking Trainee


Even F1 drivers have to start somewhere…


Steer through the obstacle course to park your wheels safely. Don’t crash—too many dents in your vehicle and it’s game over. Up/W = Accelerate Down/S = Reverse Left/A = Steer Left Right/D = Steer Right

Snail Bob 4


Snail Bob 4



Put on your space suit and join Snail Bob on another crazy mission to save the planet!

Uphill Rush

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Uphill Rush



Race your bike, truck, quad, or skateboard over hills and obstacles and finish each level without falling.


Up arrow: accelerate Down arrow: brake/reverse Left arrow: lean left Right arrow: lean right Space bar: jump M: show/hide mini map P: pause Z: use turbo (doubles the player’s speed for 5 seconds)